Cambio climático

Welcome to 202O

The beginning of this year will also mark the beginning of a decade of increasing
uncertainty and challenges. We started the year with a central theme that would mark
the international agenda and three places that should not be overlooked.

Climate change

This will undoubtedly be the theme of the year, initiatives such as the
European Green Agreement which is the European plan to achieve climate neutrality by
2050, discussions on environmental taxation will be the key to its success. In addition
to policy decisions, there will be changes in corporate behaviour: industry will
increasingly invest in decarbonization technologies and wait for their investments
pending legal regulation. Citizens will be more interested in the plastics, mobility and
food sectors.

United States

Cornered by impeachment, Trump set the year by murdering the most
powerful man of a great regional power, The attack on Soleimani could trigger a war, in fact,
after the death of the Persian general, the phrase “Third World War” was placed as a
global trend and sneaked among the most sought-after terms on the Internet
worldwide. This attack is the result of the link between foreign policy decisions and the
American electoral calendar. Iran will not be the only target of Trump, Venezuela or
Cuba, they will know the effects of a foreign-focused election program; the issue of
immigration will return to the debate with effect on Mexico, there will be more
displays of support for Israeli expansionism and a commercial peace with China to
safeguard American agricultural interests: a great fiefdom of votes.


Sin quitar la mirada a los derechos humanos por las protestas en Hong Kong o la represión de los Uigures, el mundo intensificará el debate sobre las nuevas dependencias en materia de deuda, ayuda al desarrollo o de las exportaciones chinas. África era el caso más visible, pero América Latina ha entrado con fuerza en esta dinámica en el objetivo de China. El contexto geopolítico y la polarización política desde Venezuela a Nicaragua, la crisis económica que achica estos países, aumentara la factura política y social a la hora de abordar las relaciones bilaterales. A nivel europeo, Alemania y Francia ven a China como un rival sistémico, mientras Portugal, Grecia o Italia apostaran para que sea un socio estratégico como tenedor de deuda soberana y un inversor clave: el megaproyecto de infraestructuras de la Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) es buen ejemplo de ello.


Cuatro de cada diez habitantes del planeta serán africanos a finales de este siglo. Las altas tasas de natalidad africanas garantizan el «bono demográfico» que se extenderá por el resto del siglo. El abaratamiento de la tecnología multiplica los “saltos de rana”: Sudáfrica ya cuenta con el 5G, el continente fabrica móviles de última generación 100% africanos, más de mil centros I+D están en pleno rendimiento.

El 1 de julio de 2020 entra en vigor el Tratado Continental Africano de Libre Comercio. Esta área de libre comercio será la mayor del mundo en número de países y se estima que aumentará el comercio intraafricano en un 50%.


The Atlantic Renaissance

In recent times, Morocco and Spain have witnessed how the vastness of the Mediterranean and the immensity of the Atlantic, historically marked on their horizons,

Alternative Tourism in Northern Morocco.

Dear travel enthusiasts, Are you looking for a travel experience that transcends the ordinary, offering glimpses into the heart and soul of Northern Morocco? Get

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